Thursday, February 14, 2008

Warhammer 40,000

This is not my complete knowledge on this minature figure game but this is what I know about it
Warhammer 40,000, as I mentioned earlier, isn't my complete research about this game of futristic warry fantasay game
Now I will tell you about a couple of the minature games separate armys.
My favourite army is the Tau Empire. It is an intellegant alien race. I like them because they look cool with their armor. I espceailly lik their pulse rifles. If you don't understand, go to to see what I'm talking about;
Now for the Imperial Guard. The Imperial Guard are like the Tau, only they use heavier weapons, such as grenade launchers and they are slower than the Tau Empire
This is my knowledge and also my imformation of two armies and Warhammer 40,000.

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