Friday, February 15, 2008

The Belgariad

This story of magic, sorcery, and fantasy was shown to me by my father. It is also a really good book as well.
These books start of as Garion, a peasant in sendaria at Faldor's farm, in his once simple life, leaves on a mysterius quest with: Mister Wolf, vagabond and storyteller later known as Belgarath, Aunt Pol his aunt and head cook of Faldor's farm also later known as Polgara, Prince Kheldar, nicknamed Silk, acrobat, juggler, thief, and assasain. Barak, Earl of Trellheim and cousin to King Anheg of Cherek, Lelldorin, Astrian Arend, patriot bowman of Astria, Hettar, son of King Cho-hag of Algaria, and a Shar-Darim, Mandorallen, Baron and knight of Vo Mandor, also a Mimbrate Arend, Ce'nedra Princess and Tolnedran of Tolnedra, Relg, diviner, walks through solid rock, Taiba, depraved woman of the extinct people Marags, an Durnik, blacksmith, close friend of Garion, and a Sendarian.
The bad guys: Torak, hated and despised god of the Angaraks, Brill, Dagashi, also a trained assasain, and Asharak tha Murgo, Grolim Priest.
As Garion, Aunt Pol, Mister Wolf, Silk and Barak travel through Sendaria they are attacked by Brill's hirelings, but drive them off.
Not soon after the fight, they are invited to the palace of King Fulrach of Sendaria and are sent to Cherek by a simple request from Mister Wolf and Aunt Pol.
While in Cherek, Garion saves The four Alorian Kingdoms by warning King Anheg ofCherek. Hettar agrees the quest in the Arendish forest and so does Lelldorin who nearly dies
They are reluctantly joined by Princess Ce'nedra in Tolnedra at the forest in Tol Vordue when he learns art of sorcery and burns Asharak and Relg joins at Proglue
The Queen of the Serpent People captures Garion and is freed by Polgara, his aunt and Barak.
Then they are rejoined by Belgarath, Mister wolf, his grandfather and Silk and go and take the Orb and the only boy that can carry it after the Universe destroy Cthucik and Taiba the only Marag woman alive
This is my knowledge and imformation of one of my favourite books.

P.S Hettar is a Murgo-hater.

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