Monday, March 31, 2008

My Trip To Ohio

One day, all of a sudden, we left to visit our aunties, Aunty Ilana, and Aunty Roena in Ohio at house with a farm. We had to leave my dad because he had to work.
They also have cats too, both barn cats and inside cats I shall tell you about them later.
One of the cats names is Montau, I think it's spelled that way, he is a orange tabby with darker stripes. Tigger is a lighter orange striped cat. He also has green eyes. Cocoa is a dappled she-cat with brown eyes. Bosco is a large white cat with striped patches. Fluffy is a outside cat that has a ruff of fur and green eyes.
Two times we took hikes, once to creek on a piece of land, and once to a field and a pond. It was really fun, and on the secound hike, I found a shedded deer antler, and got to keep it!
We also got to make homemade pizzas, celebrate Rosina's birthday and Easter too!
Aunty Ilana and Aunty Roena also dogsit dogs or groom them as well.
I'll tell you about some dogs there too.
Cricket is a Boxer-Beagle mix and also loveable. Roy is a Austrailean Shepherd, a fraidy' cat but also loveable and friendly.
We also got to feed a pony called Ranger as well, before we left to go back home. It was fun.
This is what we did when we were staying in Ohio and my experience as well.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Starcraft Race: The Protoss Warriors

The Protoss leaders thought themselves to be the most powerful race in the Galaxy.
The Zerg on the other hand, taught them that nothing could ever be invincible.
Once invincible Protoss warriors found themselves in a desperate sitiuation. Their fleet of starships was badly damaged and Aiur, home planet to the Protoss was overrun by Zerg warriors.
But enough of history. Lets learn about the Protoss warriors for now.
The foot troops of the Protoss are called "Zealots". Learning, or already learned, the Zealots could convert their psionic power to deadly psionic power to blade weapons.
Calvary troops of the Protoss were called "Dragoons". They carry Zealots that cannot walk anymore. The weapons they use are a powerful cannon that fires powerful psionic-like substance, that explodes devastatingly, once hitting a target.
The High Templar priests aren't troops, but it is what two of them can become, that's important.
The Reavers are heavy attack warriors that can only fight if supplied with Scarabs that are very dangerous devices.
Remember what I told you what you about what the Templar priests can become? Well they become a powerful psionic being, called an "Archon". These Protoss warriors are perhaps the most danerous of them.
A Protoss Scout is an air fighter. It can shoot psionic missiles and strafe ground troops.
Protoss Carriers can pick up all the protoss ground troops. It will fight if neccessary.
This is my imformation of the once invincible warriors of the Protoss. To find out about more, go to

Friday, March 14, 2008

Roman Times

Romans were a bit like the Greeks. I can't tell which one was worse, the Greeks or the Romans. They worshipped the same gods like the Greeks, only with different names. Zeus was Jupiter and Jove, Hera to Juno, Hades to Pluto, Posieden into Neptune, Aphrodite to Venus, Artemis to Selene, Hespheatus to Vulcan, Apollo to Helios, Dionysus to Bacchus, Demeter to Ceres,
Hermes to Mercury, Athena to Minerva, and Ares to Mars.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Me and my family's ambitions

Ambitions. They can be evil or they can be bad, and are mostly bad. Not all are. Susan G. Komen has an ambition to cure breast cancer for once and all. Most ambitions are really big dreams like Mrs. Komen's. It fills you with a fierce, fiery determanation, that drives you on and staves off hopelessness. It can be only driven off by death, if it is really, really, strong.
Now for my family's ambitions.
Dad's ambition is a secret and not even Mom knows it. And its probably a BIG secret. No joke
Mom's is also a secret, though I found a graduation certifacate of bachelor science in our school room.
Samanu, my brother,has an ambition to become a leader of terrorists! NOT! He actually wants to have his own video game animation company, called, "FableGames".
Rosina, Princess on her Blog, wants to become a rock star singer
Phillip wants to be Avak on Bionicle. Weird ambition.
Yzhak wants to probably be a Renacoinsse Man probably since he's still 3 years old.
And I want to be a famous zoologist that specifies in primates, elephants, cheetahs, hyenahs,lions and every animal in Africa.
These are the ambitons of my family and knowledge of them and also my foreword on them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Primates are monkeys, apes, gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees as well. Scientists think that primates are our closest mammal relative, only that I don't believe in that thrash. God created us so there. Oh, all primates are either herbivorus or omnivorus
Orangutans can be several times stronger than a full grown human, thats what I learned from some sort of book, only in my words, though. They have thick orange hair and human like features. There was one cute baby orangutan on Google picture result, and it was four days old and so cute. His name is Elmo. His hair was sticking up in tufts, but he was cute anyway.
There are different species of monkeys, they're all cute, mischevious, and curious, though I can tell you that.
Mountain gorillas are my favourite primate and first favourite mammal in the world, and also ENDANGERED. You know why? Because of greedy poachers, caring nothing about them and nature and only for money again and again. It makes me sick.
Chimpanzees are primates that I think are half-gorilla and half-monkey. They are also loveable animals, once you see past the lice that is.
This is what I'm telling you about primates and I'll tell you one more thing: Don't ever tamper with somethings nature, not ever.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Sequel of The Belgariad

I gave you the Belgariad, right? Well this time I'll give you a sequel that is probably not interesting, but still fun and dangerous too! Now I sound like enthusastic.
The sequel gets probably more dangerous when the heroes, Barak, Polgara, Belgarath, Silk, Garion, Relg, and Mandorallen, having left Ce'nedra for her saftey, as well for Hettar's because he hates Murgos and they were heading to Murgodom anyway.
They pick them up later and head to Riva for a certain event to happen. And guess what event happened? Garion was crowned king of the kingless Rivans and learned two things: one) He was the Rivan King and had to marry Ce'nedra and two) he had to kill Torak, the hated God of the Angaraks.
After learning that he left with Belgarath and Silk to the ruins of Cthol Misharak.
When Lady Polgara and Imperial Princess Ce'nedra find out, they go on a smashing spree. Ce'nedra did hers later.
Ce'nedra soon reliazes that Garion a army to keep his back covered, so she persuaded the Alorn kings and the king of Sendaria and the king of Arendia to war with the East with speeches to improve morale for the troops. She also persuaded some Legionnares of Tolnedra to join their campaign.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Sacrament

The Sacrament is when everyone at the beginning of the church session will do: testimonies, prayer, talks, hymns, and sacrament bread and water.
I have already told you about the beginning of the Sacrament now I will tell you about hymns. Hymns we sing at church represent our love and gratittude for Heavenly Father. Their certain numbers and titles allow us to find the right hymn.
Prayer is also where we give love and gratittude to Heavenly Father, But thank and ask him for blessing and personal things as well, too.
Sacrament water and bread help us renew our baptismal covenants and remind us of how our Redeemer suffered for our sins so we could be ressurected.
Now I will show you my testimony and ending for this essay.
This is my testimony of the Sacrament and of the Church of Latter-Day saints.