Thursday, March 13, 2008

Me and my family's ambitions

Ambitions. They can be evil or they can be bad, and are mostly bad. Not all are. Susan G. Komen has an ambition to cure breast cancer for once and all. Most ambitions are really big dreams like Mrs. Komen's. It fills you with a fierce, fiery determanation, that drives you on and staves off hopelessness. It can be only driven off by death, if it is really, really, strong.
Now for my family's ambitions.
Dad's ambition is a secret and not even Mom knows it. And its probably a BIG secret. No joke
Mom's is also a secret, though I found a graduation certifacate of bachelor science in our school room.
Samanu, my brother,has an ambition to become a leader of terrorists! NOT! He actually wants to have his own video game animation company, called, "FableGames".
Rosina, Princess on her Blog, wants to become a rock star singer
Phillip wants to be Avak on Bionicle. Weird ambition.
Yzhak wants to probably be a Renacoinsse Man probably since he's still 3 years old.
And I want to be a famous zoologist that specifies in primates, elephants, cheetahs, hyenahs,lions and every animal in Africa.
These are the ambitons of my family and knowledge of them and also my foreword on them.

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