The Zerg are the most dreaded menace in the game, Starcraft. They are warriors that respond to their leader cerebrate or the Overmind, undiminished leader of the Zerg Swarm.
The Zerg troops are intimidating. many are weak, such as the Zergling or strong, such as the Ultralisk.
Zerglings are weak troops and are preferred to travel with Hydralisks and\or other groups of Zerglings.
Hydralisks are stronger troops than Zerglings, but are still needed to travel in groups of 6-12. the reason they are dangerous is because they are ten times stronger than a full grown and well musceled man, and are able to shoot spikes and a dangerous speed, and are also able to attack ground and air.
Mutalisks are flying Hydralisks, only that they can move three times as faster, and can also attack ground and air, just like the Hydralisk.
The Ultralisk is the powerhouse of the Zerg evoulution, being able to strike through the toughest metals, and much heavily armored and very dangerous, but cannot attack flyers.
Scourges are the Zergs time bombs, dangeruos is exploding. To dnowkefine them shortly, they're the Zerg's suiciders.
Defilers are dangerous if giving a group of Hydralisks upgrades, but are weak and need to escorted by Zerglings or Hydralisks.
This is my knowledge of the alien Zerg, in the fictional game, Starcraft
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