Keeping ourselves healthy isn't that hard at all. Just have faith and a bit of of effort and other things you'll need as well.
Step 1 is to exercise daily. You could use exercise to get more healthier and stronger.Including me of course.
Step 2 is to eat good meals. You'll probably get more fit to do exercises
Step 3 is to choose a sport you would like to compete in and enjoy it.Make your pick, baseball, football, etc.
Step 4. Eat vegetables and other greens. Not all vegetables are bad. My favourites are peas corn-on-the-cob, and carrots.
Step 5 is to eat apples. The keep you healthy and good sources of vitamins, iron, and nutrients.
Step 6. Don't eat to much candy. You can have candy, but only small amounts. Your teeth need to stay healthy too, you know.
Step 7 is the last step. Swimming takes a lot of energy, so its on my list of recommended activities.
Well, times past and gone so I'll have to end this post and go to bed. May you be healthy onward and forever